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The Perfect 4-Step Email Funnel to Sell Your Product

Very early on in the digital entrepreneur industry, it’s drilled into our heads, “build an email list.” In fact, many thought leaders in the entrepreneur space have built their empires off a successful email list.

So, it’s safe to say that you’ve probably got an email list if you’re reading this. It’s also safe to say that you might feel like you’re in a rut when it comes to connecting with that audience within your email list.

As a copywriter who specializes in email funnels and website content, it’s one of the more common conversations I have with my clients – how to write a good email funnel for your product.

In fact, for any entrepreneur – especially ones just starting out, it’s a big question. That’s why we’re going to demystify the perfect email funnel, right here, right now. Don’t worry about taking notes, there’s going to be a link to download all the templates discussed in this post. Including optimized titles!

Click here to download the freebie and get started! 

Let’s jump in.

“How long should my emails be?”

Let’s leave this question right here at the beginning of this post. I’m sick of hearing people fixate on the length of their emails.

For one thing, you should use as much words as you need to get your point across, not some prescribed length that’s passed around in social circles.

However, one trend that I can assure you of, is that shorter emails work better when your prospects are just getting warmed up to your idea, and longer ones when they’re super interested in what you’re offering them.

My email funnel strategy reflects this ideology. Plus, it’s a short funnel of only four emails – so you have all the flexibility you need to either add them to your existing one or use it as a standalone.

Cool, right?

Email 1: A Memorable Icebreaker

This email is basically a refresher course for all those who were already on your list, and an introduction to you for those who’ve joined your list specifically for the product that you’re launching.

Here’s what you’ll need to cover in this email:

  • Who you are

  • What you do

  • How long you’ve been doing what you do

  • An ideal that drives your brand’s mission and is in line with why you want to launch your product

The last point is actually quite important. It makes your audience feel like they can be a part of something much bigger than just putting money in your pocket, or enhancing their own lives. It can be something as simple as creating financial security for single mothers.

Choose something with resonance that your audience can link you with. You want them to think something like, “Oh, she’s the entrepreneur who wants to help single mothers by teaching them how to build great online businesses? Let me see what she has to say…” when they see your name come up in their inbox with the next email.

Email 2: Emotional Solutions

If you aced your first email, you’ll have a pretty good audience for your second one. Your second email is going to be all about what you can do for your audience, but look at it from the emotional perspective – we don’t get into financials and dollar figures in this email.

This email is dedicated completely to the emotional benefits of taking hold of your offer. Here’s what you need to include in this email:

  • Pain points (that you’ve researched!) of your audience

  • A personal experience handling this pain-point

  • The emotional benefits of the solution that you have

An age-old way to get responses from your audience in the copywriting circle involves appealing to their emotions.

People are only interested in things that make them feel good. It’s your job in this email to highlight the aspects of your product that do just that.

Email 3: Social Proof

This is the email where you kick everything into high gear and bring out all the stops. You really dive into the core components of your offer and all the convincing, analytical stuff you had probably written down while brainstorming your idea.

This is where you get the chance to toot your own horn. Here’s what you need to talk about in this email:

  • Educate them about your offer

  • Bring out all the analytics like stats and figures

  • Social proof to prove that you’re the shiznayee

This email is normally the longest of the bunch. It’s at that place in the funnel where your audience will be interested in what you’re saying, so you can write a longer email than at the beginning. Include a one-liner at the bottom of your email with a link to purchase.

Email 4: Wrap it up

This is the last email in the funnel, so here is where you’d include any bonuses you’re offering with your package. The key to this email is to make it like a personal invitation (not a plea!) to get your audience to buy your product or sign up for your course.

In this email, you HAVE to include:

  • A personalized message that speaks directly to your audience and connects with them

  • Any bonus offers you have included in your sale

  • A minimum of two links to purchase, artfully placed within your email

As the final email in this funnel, it’s important to end on a good note. A positive closing line with the inference of the reader purchasing your product is great, not a negative one highlighting what will happen if they don’t.

And, there you have it! A simple 4-email funnel perfect for selling your product. No more stumbling over what to write. As promised, here’s the link to download your free email funnel templates!

All set? Leave your thoughts in the comments below! I can’t wait to hear your results with this funnel. I hope I’ve made your life as an entrepreneur that much simpler.

Guest post by Devonnie Garvey

Devonnie Garvey is a copywriter for entrepreneurs who want to attract their ideal clients and connect with their audience in new and creative ways. She also runs a blog, The Femme Agenda, which is dedicated to helping young women start, build and sustain successful online businesses. Send her an email, or follow her on Twitter.

Follow Devonnie on Social Media! 

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